Home » December 2010
Kebiasaan yg perlu dibiasakan:

Kebiasaan yg perlu dibiasakan:
1.wake up on 5'oclock at morning.
2.sholat for Ur life n afterlife.
3.read for Al-qur'an 0ne page a day.
4.open the jakarta post twice a day.01.00 pm and 05.00pm.
6.open detik.com three times a day.01.00m and 05.00pm.
7.evaluate Ur study  campus.
8.making sure, U have done your homework.
9.see calendar everyday, n tink 'how wil you make them become possible'.
10.don't forget to look some site offering scolarship.
*klo kurang bantu nambah yaa

Program nilai akhir sebuah mata kuliah tertentu

Oke, sahabat blogger..gue update  baru nih. Kayak nya bakalan menjdi new labeling. Spesial bwt anak kuliahan yg mau prediksi nilai akhir mata kuliah tertentu. program ini ringan. tinggal di copas ke pascal kalian dan di-run. oke, cekidot!!!

program nilairata2;
uses wincrt;